Interesting Comments
from my Genealogy Website Readers
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Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 22:48:56 -0500
From: "Claire KinKaid" <>
Subject: Re: [LHEUREUX] Website
Your L'Heureux website is absolutely fabulous. I haven't found my L'Heureaux/Houde
ancestors yet, but happened upon Mathieu Amiot (my 9th g-grandfather)
and I can't believe how many generations I'm finding preceding him. In
the process of gathering all of Mathieu and Marie Miville's ancestry,
I'm coming across many other names that I recognize from my family lineage.
I've just about come to the conclusion that all the French are actually
related to each other! From what I've gathered prior to finding your site,
it would appear that all my Houde, L'Heureaux, Gingras and many more all
just kept marrying back and forth within their families. I've noticed
your site has an Emma Houde with no further information and I would wonder
if she's my Emma who was married to Joseph Gingras.
Again, thank you for such a wonderful website.
Claire KinKaid
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 22:45:21 -0700
From: "Kathy B. Moore" <kmoore at>
Subject: Your L'Heureux website
Dear Mr. L'Heureux,
I was looking through my genealogy notes on my family and I suddenly
realized that it was YOUR website that gave me my first clue.
It was 2 years ago when someone contacted me, asking if I was related
to him. I imagined that I was. Someone else contacted me online, and before
I knew it, there were 10 of us, all wondering if we were related to each
other. I began researching and came across a man named Henry Bundock on
your Beaudoin family section. Because you were kind enough to list the
location where he was married, St. Luc de Vincennes, I suddenly had my
very first lead.
By finding out that significant bit of information, I was able to order
microfilms of the parish and found the WHOLE Bundock family living there.
I traced my direct ancestor, James Bundock, to his father in England,
found him, and the rest, as they say, is history. My year of researching
the Canadian family led me to another year to research the whole, uh,
"fam damily", as they say, in Essex, England.
Thanks to your website, I now have my own website for Bundocks in Essex,
England at:
What a tremendous service your website has provided for me and countless
other researchers. I can't even begin to thank you enough.
Please know how much your research has given to others! THANK YOU!
Kathy Bundock Moore
Kathy B. Moore
Greeley, CO
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 01:20:33 EST
From: Danielle Patrice Baribault <IrishAries23 at>
Subject: Hello, my name is Danielle Baribault and I wanted to introduce
I was researching my family's history when I came across your website.
My name is Danielle Patrice Baribault, I am 18 years old and my Grandfather
always told me stories about how our original name was "Baribeau"
and that we came from Ste. Anne, Quebec (before that France) and moved
to Bariboo, Wisconsin. My Grandfather (his name is Donald Baribault and
he is 90 years old!!) and Grandmother had 4 children (one of them being
my Father, Kenneth) and we all live on Long Island. There is quite a large
population of Baribault's on Long Island thanks to us!!
Well, I just basically wanted to introduce myself and let you know that
there are other Baribault's out there since it always catches my interest
when I come across the same name or something similar. Feel free to write
me back if you have any questions about my family's history, I love sharing
the knowledge I have about it and I love learning new things about it
even more!!
Lots of love, Danielle
Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001 10:42:47 -0700
From: "nancy" <nlw32ave at>
Subject: Baribeau name
I just read the beginning of your web site and you might like to know
that in Ladysmith, Wisc there is a barn that has the name Baribeau on
the roof. It is from Antoine Baribeau, Adalard's brother, and it is still
there. Next time I go to visit my mother I am going to go see it. I also
have some info on this line but not much.
Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2001 12:19:42 -0400
From: Marcelle Brissette <brissette at>
Subject: Généalogie Baril
Bonjour Jacques !
En furetant au hasard j'ai rencontré votre site de généalogie.
Bravo! super bien fait et que de recherches accumulées !... Vous
avez fait la lumière sur un coin de ma généalogie
qui suscitait des questionnements. Je n'arrivais pas à faire le
lien entre Marie-Anne Rinfret, soeur de ma grand-mère maternelle,
épouse d'Onésime Baril (6/10/1908) et Marie-Anne Rinfret
épouse de Louis Arthur Baril (13/02/1888) parents d'une de mes
tantes Lemyre du coté paternel. Grâce à vos recherches
tout s'éclaire et je vois que je confondais les deux Marie-Anne
Bonjour Jacques ! Vous m'avez fait passé de bons moments de généalogie.
Marcelle Lemyre Brissette
To contribute your own comments,
send them to Jacques L'Heureux
Last updated:
October 20, 2003