French Canadian
Genealogy Research
Societies, Libraries, Genealogy
Projects, Books, ...
If your favorite link is not
included, please send me the particulars
and I will gladly include it.
Canada | France
| United States | Magazines
| Genealogists | Translators
| Online Sources | Online
Stores |
Magazines | Maps | Audio
- Canada
- Québec
- Ontario
- Manitoba
- Other Provinces
- Genealogy Clubs and Societies
United States
- California
- Connecticut
- Florida
- Illinois
- Maine
- Massachusets
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- New England
- New Hampshire
- New York
- Rhode Island
- Vermont
- Wisconsin
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Genealogy Magazines and Periodicals
Genealogists for Hire
- Denyse Beaugrand-Champagne
- All of Quebec - regardless of country of origin, language or religion.
- Genealogy Freelancers
- An affordable way to connect you to a genealogist, researcher, translator
and other genealogy specialists in any country. Just post your project,
compare the bids you receive and then choose the best specialist for
the job.
- Richard Hébert - In Montréal, Québec.
Speaks and writes French and English. Waiting
for new contact information
- Michel Laliberté
dit Colin - In Montréal, Québec. He is a member
of the Société Généalogique Canadienne
Française de Montréal since 1990. He specializes on
the data concerning the Eastern
Townships of Quebec. Speaks and writes French and English. Waiting
for new contact information
- Roch Pouliot -
In Montréal, Québec. Speaks and writes French and English
- Others
- ProGenealogists
- A team of professional genealogists with experience, knowledge
and access to billions of records is ready to assist you in United
States, Canadian and European research!
- eXpert Genealogy -
Database of genealogy professionals searcheable by geographic
specialty or research specialty. Several offer a free consultation
- GenealogyPro - A directory
of over 160 independent genealogy related services and products
including: professional genealogists, adoption and missing people
researchers, translators, military and historical researchers,
heraldry specialists, heir and estate researchers, photographers,
and more!
- Association of
Professional Genealogists - Directory of professional genealogists
- Google
Search - Over 2,000 internet links
Translators for Hire
- Mr. Paul Lavoie comes highly recommended by John
Dulong who has used him in the past and has always been pleased
with his work. His address is: 123 Cedar St., Orleans, Ontario, K1E
1B2, Canada. His email address is lavoiep66@hotmail.com
- Translation Websites
Online Sources
Online Stores
Online Magazines (E-Zines)
Online Maps
Sources on Audio Tapes
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Services I use and recommend
Send your comments and suggestions to Jacques
Copyright © Jacques L'Heureux - All
rights reserved
Last modified:
March 21, 2017