My Acadian Roots
Bourgeois, Hébert, Landry, Mélanson,
Poirier, Trahan, Thibaudeau
Old News
- Congrès
Mondial Acadien, Nouvelle-Écosse 2004
- L'Acadie invited everyone to the 3rd Acadian World Congress
in Nova Scotia in 2004. From July 31st to August 15th, 2004,
a non-stop marathon of provincial and community cultural events
made L'Acadie shine forth across the world. Opening and Closing
Ceremonies, National Acadian Day Extravaganza, Family Reunions,
Dynamic Conferences, Summits, Mi-Carême Celebration in summer;
Seafood Festival, Choir; Traditional Dance and Amateur Theatre
Festivals, Arts and Crafts Exhibits, Genealogical Exhibits are
but a few of the featured events.
- Acadian Festival in Madawaska
- June 26 to July 4, 2004
- The State of Maine's Largest Cultural Festival. Events included
a re-enactment of the first Acadian landing in northern Maine,
traditional Acadian supper, a softball tournament, barge rides
on Long Lake, entertainment, cultural displays, a festival parade,
"Festival Famillial" and much more. The Festival is
held each year in conjunction with a huge family reunion, honoring
one of the Acadian pioneer families. For 2004, it will be the
Gendreau/Jandreau/Johndro family.
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Copyright © Jacques L'Heureux -
All rights reserved.
Last modified:
June 11, 2009