Lafontaine Genealogy
From Jacques L'Heureux
to Jean Lariou dit Lafontaine
Jacques Jean-Guy L'Heureux
was born in 1939 in Trois Rivières, Québec. [Pictures
- Age 3 - Age
Charles Sammy L'Heureux, son of Antoinette Dumont and
Donat L'Heureux, was born on 5 Feb1911 in Batiscan, Québec. He was
to Simone Baril, daughter of Joseph Baril and of Marie-Louise Sauvageau,
on Jun 4 1938 in Trois-Rivières, Québec. He died on April
20, 1997 in Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Québec. Simone Baril was born on
30 Oct 1913 in Les Grondines, Québec. She died on 20 Dec 1965 in
Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Québec. They had 2 children, Jacques and Louise.
[Wedding picture] |
Antoinette Dumont, daughter of Adeline Lafontaine and
Norbert Dumont, was born on 25 Apr 1890. She died in Sep 1966 in Cap-de-la
Madeleine, Québec. She was 76 years old. She was also known as Kitty
Dumont. She was married to Donat L'Heureux on 7 Jan 1909 in Batiscan,
Québec. Donat L'Heureux was born on 29 Jul 1887. He died in Oct
1974 in Cap-de- la Madeleine, Quebec.They had 2 children, Charles Sammy
and Beatrice |
Adeline Lafontaine. She was married to Norbert Dumont
on 9 May 1882 in St-Stanislas, Québec. They had at least three children.
Prudent Lafontaine was married to Agathe Thiffault
on 23 Feb 1846 in St-Stanislas, QC, Champlain, Québec, QC. Prudent
Lafontaine and Agathe Thiffault had at least four children.
Joseph Lariou Lafontaine was born on 5 Jun 1787 in St-Stanislas,
QC, Québec, QC. He died on 4 Jun 1841 in St-Stanislas, QC,
Québec, QC. He was married to Marie Anne Gendron on
6 Jul 1812 in St-Félix-de-Valois, Joliette, Québec, QC. Joseph
Lariou Lafontaine and Marie Anne Gendron had seven children
Toussaint-Augustin Lafontaine was born on 1 Nov 1754
in Bastican, QC. He was baptized in 1754 in Ste-Geneviève,
Bastican, Québec, QC. He died on 23 Feb 1819 in St. Stanislas
Champlain, Québec, QC. He was buried in 1819 in St-Stanislas,
QC, Champlain, Québec, QC. He was married to Françoise
Ayotte on 15 Jan 1775 in Ste-Geneviève de Bastican, Québec,
QC. Françoise Ayotte was born about 1755. She died in St.
Stanislas Champlain, Québec, QC. Toussaint-Augustin Lafontaine
and Françoise Ayotte had four children.
Joseph Lariou dit Lafontaine was born in 1717 in Batiscan,
QC. He was married to Ursule Adam on 29 Sep 1744 in St.François
Xavier de Bastican, QC. Ursule Adam was born on 9 May 1724. She died
between 1750 and 1818. Joseph Lariou Lafontaine and Ursule Adam had
six children.
Jean-François Lariou dit Lafontaine was born
on 14 Dec 1690 in Ste-Geneviève-de-Bastican, QC cté Champlain,
Québec, QC. He was baptized on 14 Dec 1690 in Ste-Geneviève-de-Bastican,
QC cté Champlain. He died on 16 Sep 1730 in Ste-Geneviève-de-Bastican,
QC cté Champlain, Québec, QC. He was buried on 17 Sep
1730 in Batiscan, QC. He was married to Catherine Viel-Desnoyers
on 18 Feb 1715/16 in St.François Xavier de Bastican, QC. Catherine
Viel-Desnoyers was born in 1693 in Batiscan, QC. She died on 27 Nov
1771 in Batiscan, QC. Jean François Lariou-Lafontaine and
Catherine Viel-Desnoyers had the three children.
Jean-Pierre Lariou dit Lafontaine was born in 1630 in
St-Pierre ou Mas-d'Agenais, Marmande, Aquitaine, France and came to Nouvelle
France with his parents in 1685. He died on 14 Feb 1714/15 in Batiscan,
QC. He was buried in Batiscan, QC. He was married to Catherine
Mongeau on 16 Apr 1674 in Notre-Dame-de-Québec, QC. Catherine
Mongeau was born on 14 Oct 1657 in Chagnolet, Dompierre-sur-Mer, La Rochelle,
Aunis, France, France. She was christened on 14 Oct 1657 in Chagnolet,
La Rochelle, Charente Maritime, France. She died on 22 May 1719 in
St-François-Xavier-de-Bastican, QC. Jean-Pierre Lariou-Lafontaine
and Catherine Mongeau had five children.
Jean Lariou was born about 1615 in St-Pierre-de-Condom,
Gascogne, France. He died on 14 Feb 1714/15 in Batiscan, QC.
He was married to Jeanne Brusquet in 1629 in St. Pierre, Dioc of
Condon, Gascogne, France. Jeanne Brucquet was born in 1608 in St Pierre,
Condon, France. She died before 16 Apr 1674 in France. Jean
Lariou and Jeanne Brucquet had at least one son born in France. With their
son, they came to Nouvelle France in 1685 and settled in the Ste-Genevieve-de-Batiscan
area in 1685.
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Last modified: September 10, 2001