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Jacques L'Heureux
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My interest in genealogy started when I collaborated in a compilation
of the descendants of Onesime Baril (1856-1910), my mother's grandfather.
The work was carried out by Michel Laliberté (married to Johanne
Baril) from Montreal.
Having recently acquired an new program (Family
Origins ) to keep track of my immediate family, I immediately started
to enter the data from Michel's book. I also asked Michel to trace my
family (L'Heureux), which he did, adding about 50 entries into my database.
It also provided me with my direct lineage to Simon Lereau dit L'Heureux
(1626-1670), my first ancestor in La
Nouvelle France. My next step was to create this genealogy web
page - and the rest is history. I have kept several comments
from readers which you are welcome to view.
A site map and a search
engine are also available for faster navigation.
Ancestors, Database and Cousins
Work in Progress
- LHEUREUX Genealogy:
- Most individuals named L'Heureux in Canada and in the United
States are descendants of Simon Lereau (Suzanne Jaroussel),
born on 10 Oct 1624 in St-Martin-d'Igé, Perche, France. He
emigrated to the Nouvelle France around 1652. Simon is my
- BARIL Genealogy:
- Via my mother Simone Baril, my ancestor from this branch is Jean
Baril (Marie Guillet). He was born around 1646-1649, most
likely in Saintonge, France.
- DUMONT Genealogy:
- Via my paternal grandmother, Antoinette Dumont, my ancestor from
this branch is Jean Dumont (Marguerite Morin), one of three
known ancestors of the Dumont in America. He was born in Cognac,
Poitou, France and immigrated to Québec around 1650
- SAUVAGEAU Genealogy:
- Via my maternal grandmother Marie-Louise Sauvageau, my ancestor
from this branch is Claude Sauvageau (Madeleine Ouvray) He
was born in 1646 in Marcay, Chinon, Touraine, France.
- ST-ARNAUD Genealogy:
- While working on the L'Heureux surname, I have also collected
information on this surname, first because it was the last name
of my first wife (Raymonde St-Arnault) and the mother of my children
and more recently because I found out that my great grandmother
was Brigitte St-Arnault, a direct descendant of Paul Bertrand
dit Saint-Arnaud (Gabrielle Baribeau), the ancestor of most
of the St-Arnaud in America. He was born on 27 Nov 1661 in Verneuil-sur-Havre,
Normandie, France.
- LAFONTAINE Genealogy:
- My ancestor from this branch is Jean Lariou dit Lafontaine
(Catherine Mongeau) from St-Pierre, Marmande, France. He
was born about 1640 in Marmande, Aquitaine, France.
- TROTTIER Genealogy:
- My ancestor from this branch is Jules Trottier (Catherine
Loiseau), He was born around 1591 in St-Martin-d'Igé,
Perche, France.
- BARIBEAU Genealogy:
- My ancestor from this branch is François Baribeau (Perrine
Moreau). He was born about 1636. I have connections via three
of his children, Jean, Catherine and Gabrielle.
- HAMELIN Genealogy:
- My Hamelin ancestors are Francois Hamelin-Laganière
(Madeleine Aubert) and Louis Hamelin (Antoinette Aubert)
born in in the 1650s in St-Mathurin, Vendée, Pays de la Loire,
France. They were the sons of Nicholas Hamelin and Jeanne Levasseur
- CARRIER Genealogy:
- My ancestor from this branch is Jean Carrier (Barbe Halay).
He was born in 1639 in Saintonge, Charente-Maritime, France.
- MASSICOTTE Genealogy:
- My ancestor from this branch is Jacques Massicot (Marie-Catherine
Baril). He was born about 1661 in St-Pierre-de-Brie, Saintonge,
France. I have connections via three of his children, Jean-Baptiste,
Jacques and Catherine.
- THIFFAULT Genealogy:
- My ancestor from this branch is Jacques Thiffault (Marie-Anne
L'Ecuyer). He was born in 1662 in Langon, Gironde, Guyenne,
France. I have connections via five of his six children
- My Acadian Roots:
- The principal ones being BOURGEOIS, HEBERT, LANDRY, MELANSON,
- Other Surnames:
- I also have an interest in the surnames
- If you have information on these surnames that is not contained
in the database, please communicate with me so that we can exchange
information. To check the other surnames in our database, go to
the Surname List of my Ancestors
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